Want to know how much your team are bringing in?

Today I’ll show you how to create a custom report in ServiceM8 that breaks down your completed job revenue by team member.

For this, you’ll need to make sure that you have the advanced reporting pack add-on switched on.

To do this, go to settings > servicem8 addons > advanced reporting pack and toggle the switch to ON

Then go to reports and scroll down until you see ‘Custom Reports’ on the left hand menu.


Change the options to say:

Report on: Jobs Revenue

Where: Job Status = completed

Group by: Staff Member

Each time a member of staff completes a job, the total revenue on the job will be added to that month against their name.


You can then use the Save Report button in the top right to save the report for everyone on the account to have easy access to it in the future.

For more information on this head here: https://support.servicem8.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000992076-How-to-create-Custom-Reports

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