If you’re using the latest ServiceM8 feature – Proposals – then you’ll probably want to access some of your best photos to show off your work, your team or your accreditations time and time again.
Save your best photos to ‘favourites’ and you’ll be able to access them easily from any job card, for any proposal.
To do this (on the online version of ServiceM8):
- Find the photo you want to use – if it’s in your ServiceM8 account then you can search for it with the search bar at the top of the screen, or find it on your computer.
- Add it to a job card
- Open the photo from the job’s Diary, and click Actions > Add to Favourites

When you go to add a new photo to a proposal gallery section, you’ll be shown all of that job’s photos and the favourites.

Ta-da! Now you can use that photo on any proposal without having to search for it again 🙂
Want to win more Proposals? Grab a copy of my eBook – Closing the Deal – Unleashing the Power of ServiceM8 Proposals! It’s available for Instant Download today.
“This is brilliant and really helpful to understand it’s potential, not to mention all of the extra content at the end” ~ Chris